Thursday, September 27, 2012

3 Poems to be Published in Upcoming Transient Magazine Winter 2012 Issue

[Good Ol' Mississip, Canon G11, by Cathy Colborn 2011]
Great news! Transient Publishing accepted three of my poems: Floodgates, Propane and Lemonade, and The Burn. I read some of these poems at Rosemont a few weeks ago. For those of you who missed them, here is a short summary:

Floodgates is a poem of duel meanings. It is set in New Orleans (two summers ago) when the water levels were rising (see my pic of The Mississippi above). The image of the floodgates signify both the releasing of the water by the city and the constant epiphanies the protagonist is experiencing because of her missing ex-lover. The poem also studies class levels and those who pretend to be in a class other than their own. We have Gatsby references...enough said.

Propane and Lemonade is a snarky little poem. It moves quickly with a lot of great "S" sounds and hard stops. It is about a woman who reminisces over a past love affair sparked by a sign hung on the Liquor Store/Gas station window in Cape May, NJ. The poem then goes on to part the ways of the "killer cocktail," the title, in almost a recipe format.

The Burn is about a "missing five o'clock shadow." Missing...because it is already ask? Hell no! That is too easy for one of my poems.

Look for these three poems online in the stunning PDF format of Transient Magazine in November:


P.S. More updates later this week on promoting Philly Flash Inferno and my chapbooks at the Collingswood Book Festival=)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Poetry at Rosemont College Reading Series Kickoff

This week I come to you with another great event. It is the start of our Reading Series. Every month, Rosemont College, the school I attend for my MFA in Creative Writing, will showcase work from students, faculty, and other outside published authors. We have a little of everything lined up: poetry, nonfiction, and fiction. This great event takes place on the beautiful Rosemont Campus and is accessible by car, bus, train or plane (maybe some of those together). The date to remember this month is:

Wednesday, September 19th, 7 P.M., Main Building, Rosemont College, PA.

I will be the poet onboard and hopefully warming up the podium for some other wonderful mentors of mine such as: Liz Abrams-Morley, Cassandra Hirsch, and Ru Freeman.

I am lucky to somehow have scored a "Making the Personal-Fictional" class with Ru Freeman this semester. I am hoping it will give me enough insight to take a crazy travel writing, nonfiction, piece of mine, into a wonderful fictional thesis. Never too late to get the insight, practice, and jumpstart for that writing ball to get a' rolling and scoring.

So, if you are not doing anything major and need some time away from technological accessories, please come to the cool building on Rosemont Campus that looks like a castle and eat some cookies (we always have really big cookies). Oh, listen to my stuff too (while you're in a sugar coma). It makes my poetry sound EVEN better.
P.S. From Patco: Take the Regional Rail/Thorndale Line and get off at Rosemont. Go down the wooden steps (Do not walk under the tunnel, that is where you will go to return) Instead, walk straight to the first corner, make a left, and keep will see the campus. Main Building is directly in the center of the campus.

Photos by Catt Colborn, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Upcoming Events to Promote, Share, and Learn

I told my visitors and fellow writers, that I would announce some great events to promote and share our work. Maybe if you have children that love to read, I could hint at a place or two to share a day of quality time together. These are not all the events that are going on (September and October are jammed packed), but I promise to at least list three good ones when I get them. Please check links for exact times and locations.

Collingswood Book Festival 2012, October 6, 2012: Links to booksellers layouts, contests, open mics, food, Haiku Wall, and events: [for children and adults] I will be there promoting my new YA Novel, Tierney and the Trailblazers, Some old chapbooks, horror jewelry for halloween from SpinalCordz, and of course my baby, Philly Flash Inferno. Come support and chat. I will sign your goodies and handout goodies to the kids as usual (I am a pushover for kiddies). I will be sitting at the Stormwatch Comic Booth with the guy in the pic above, Proprietor and Finder of Lost Things, Bob Hoskins.

Philly Flash Inferno Monster Issue, September 14, 2012: My micro ezine created with the ongoing theme of The Seven Deadly Sins. Fall Issue is going to take Rage to the next level by spotlighting pics, artwork, and interviews that focus on zombies and mythical creatures. It will still be peppered with the other rings of The Inferno, and making Dante proud of this Italian poeta. Submissions of these things plus flash and poetry under 1000 words are ongoing and reviewed by me and (of course) Minos at: The site is found at:, if you want to check out the smaller Summer Issue. I may be performing at open mic on September 14 or 21 TBA at a coffeehouse in Haddonfield, NJ, to kickstart and handout cards to promote upcoming readings of PFI contributors (Any writer friends that would be interested in sharing their work with me over a cup of cappuccino should give me a holla), but first, I must make friendly and prepare places of business, to see if we are a good fit with possible adult ramblings. *[journal rated PG and so are said potential readings]

Push to Publish, October 13, 2012: I will be attending this event as a student to promote one of the many finished books I have sitting in Electronic Limbo. If you are in the same situation or have something almost edited and finished and you can get it pristine by the date above, then pay your fee and register and introduce yourself to me that day. I have no pull whatsoever, but I will send some of my good juju and muse spirit your way. We are all in this together=) Here is the linkage:

Like I said, there is more to come, but I figure there was something for the family, something for the brain to chill out for a spell, and something for you, the writer, to suffer along with me. There is also comfort in numbers and shared misery and all of that mumbo...

Anyway, I took up enough of our writing time. Hope to see you there!


P.S. Your stuff is not going to publish itself. Sorry, had to say it again to make sure you don't give up!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Cover Photo Accepted for The Four Quarters Magazine

Good news! I am having the luckiest week in my writing/art career (must be that blue moon). I found out my photo of New York overlooking the Empire was accepted as a cover photo. That is a big milestone for a photography nerd like me. If you are a writer (or artist), the magazine is a great read and somewhere worth sending your work. It is based in India, but that is not necessarily the theme (in other words...everyone is welcomed to submit and they are hoping you do). It has a great flavor, and I really enjoy how much content they have. Thanks, so much for continuing to follow my career, and I am rooting for you as well. That is why I am including the link down below. I am not going to lie...I want you to look at my cover, but I want you to give TFQM a try. You may be a great fit and like I always say...
"Your work is not going to publish itself. Get moving."

Catt Colborn
P.S. Here is another shot from NY that day. B&W&G, Canon G11, by Catt Colborn